Saturday 25 July 2015

Cuteness Attack!

So the last two posts I have mentioned my dog and two cats and I thought this would be a good change to introduce them to the online world! My dog's name is Quinn and she is a Miniature Australian Shepherd. She turned a year old back in March. She is the happiest dog I have ever seen inn my life. She is always wagging her tail and excited to meet new people. Sometimes too excited to the point where she pees. Thankfully we are getting past that point.

Quinn is hilarious! She makes the funniest noises and she is absolutely obsessed with me and Dave. Quinn does not like it when you fake hit people. She will jump right in and bark and cry and try to help the fake victim. Its a funny game Dave and I play sometimes. Sounds kinda mean as I write this though. She's a lover not a fighter. She used to be in dog agility classes and would bark at dogs fighting as if to tell them off and behave.

My two kittens are Fili and Fili. They are 8 and 9 months old. We got Kili first when we moved into our new apartment so Quinn would have a friend. A month later I saw Fili on a local website for free and I couldn't resist. He is just so cute!!! Kili is 100% Dave's cat and barely ever wants anything to do with me which made me sad since he was supposed to be my cat. Dave didn't even want a cat, he was just tired of me begging for one. I brought home this tiny little kitten in a box and Dave ran right over and took him from me and has been his ever since.

That is where Fili comes in. He is a clingy whiny cat. There's a reason why they say be careful what you wish for. This cat cries if I am not in the same room. He constantly jumps up and puts his paws on my knees waiting to be picked up. We even have conversations back and forth. He is super smart and comes when he is called and can sit on command. Fili is definitely my little cuddle bug. If I am sitting you can guarantee he is sitting in my lap.

So without further ado, here they are!

Kili, 9 months old

Fili, 8 months old

Quinn, a year and a half old

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