Friday 28 August 2015


Yesterday was the worst day ever. If you read my blog then you know my fiancee has been away all week on a fishing trip. Well yesterday night someone broke into my house while I was out having dinner with Dave's mom and I came home while they were still in my house and didn't notice and went to sleep. So I don't know how long they spent in my house but when I got up at 6am for work I could hear someone in my basement so I called the cops. They must have heard me and got out as I locked myself and my pets in my bedroom. The police found windows open downstairs how they must had gotten out and think they climbed on to my private deck and gotten in to my house that way.

If it was not for 21 Day Fix I don't know what I would have done. It kept me distracted while I was waiting for Dave to rush home. I didn't mess up on a single thing despite the day's events. No sweaty picture for yesterday as I couldn't get in the mood to take a picture and smile.

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